Traffic Police intend to slow down speeding vehicles by painting ‘3D’ zebra crossings.

The city traffic police intend to paint zebra crossings on various roads producing a three dimensional (3D) effect and prompt slowing down drivers. The 3D zebra crossing produces a floating effect as an optical illusion. The motorists presume that there are boxes ahead and that speed is decreased as the junctions approach.
In many European countries, these crossings are used in recent years while the Delhi City Council has taken the path to cut vehicle speeds approaching towards junctions since 2016.
“We painted ‘3D’ Zebra Crossing near our office premises and we are checking how the motorists respond when they approach it,” said Pankaj Deshmukh, Pune deputy commissioner (traffic).
He added: “The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has been asked to use similar means to paint crossings on four roads. The four roads, we have identified in which the motorists tend to speed. We hope that the “3D” zebra crossings on these roads will reduce the speed of the vehicles.
The officer said that the PMC was told by the traffic police to use reflective colours when they paint the crossings to ensure that the junctions looked bright at night. “This will make the motorist slow, reduce accidents and improve the safety of pedestrians,” said Deshmukh.
The ‘3D’ zebra crossings were still in the experimental phase, according to traffic expert Pratap Bhosale. He said, “The ‘3D’ zebra crossings are not covered by specific standards. However, some reports state that the speed of vehicles has been decreased due to these new crossings.”
“In residential areas, this kind of zebra crossings can be beneficial. But it shouldn’t be on the highways,” he said.