Tag: #DTCP

Funding delays impede structural checks in 20 Gurugram housing complexes.

March 9, 2025

GURUGRAM: Structural audits in 20 residential societies have come to a standstill as builders and resident welfare associations (RWAs) continue to delay the deposit of necessary funds. Despite repeated notices from the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) for over a year, no progress has been made, leaving the crucial structural safety assessments in […]

Funding delays impede structural checks in 20 Gurugram housing complexes.more
Real estate investment

DTCP registers FIRs against five builders who were unable to provide basic amenities to residents.

February 26, 2020

On 24 February, the city police registered an FIR against five real estate developers, including a member of the Bharatiya Janata Group MP, following complaints from Gurugram’s District Town and Country Planning (DTCP) Department. These developers couldn’t provide the residents with basic amenities. R.S. Baat, DTCP head, said the FIRs were registered in violation of […]

DTCP registers FIRs against five builders who were unable to provide basic amenities to residents.more