Category: News

Given the severe circumstances, the state may need to take drastic measures to stop rogue defaulting builders: HC Bombay

August 10, 2023

MUMBAI: The Bombay high court stated this week that the situation in the city was “now so dire” that the government would need to intervene and take “drastic steps to curb errant constructors in default of their obligations” while carrying out redevelopment projects, including paying transit rent to tenants who had to vacate their properties […]

Given the severe circumstances, the state may need to take drastic measures to stop rogue defaulting builders: HC Bombaymore

The largest home loan lender has been and will continue to be SBI: Director Dinesh Khara

August 7, 2023

MUMBAI: State Bank of India (SBI) has led the house loan market and will continue to do so, according to Chairman Dinesh Khara, who stated on Friday that the bank’s mortgage book was worth over Rs 6.52 lakh crore as of the June quarter, up about 14% year over year. When reporters questioned him about […]

The largest home loan lender has been and will continue to be SBI: Director Dinesh Kharamore

Builders are required to transfer common space to the residents’ association: Bangalore RERA

August 3, 2023

BENGALURU: Based on a complaint submitted by Sandeep GW and Jonali Das, the Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority (KRERA) has given substantial instruction to a builder, Signature Dwellings Private Limited. According to the ruling made according to Section 18 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development Act), 2016, the builder must transfer the common space […]

Builders are required to transfer common space to the residents’ association: Bangalore RERAmore

Rajasthan RERA requires the builder to reimburse Rs. 37 lakh for the delay in flat possession.

July 31, 2023

JAIPUR: Due to a delay in taking possession of an apartment, the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) in Jaipur has ordered a builder to reimburse the full money, plus interest, to the unit buyer. RERA member Shailendra Agrawal issued the order telling the builder to repay the money within 45 days following a hearing. Tanuja […]

Rajasthan RERA requires the builder to reimburse Rs. 37 lakh for the delay in flat possession.more
QR coode

Display QR code in advertisements or face up to a punishment of Rs 50,000, Maharashtra builders advised.

July 28, 2023

MUMBAI: The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has warned developers throughout the state that failing to prominently display the QR code of the real estate project in advertisements on multiple platforms starting on August 1 could result in fines of between Rs 10,000 and Rs 50,000. According to a MahaRERA official, the promoter will […]

Display QR code in advertisements or face up to a punishment of Rs 50,000, Maharashtra builders advised.more

Five victims of the Sahiti Infra scam in Hyderabad receive assistance

July 27, 2023

HYDERABAD: The Hyderabad District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission-3 ordered a refund of the amount spent by the customers along with a compensation of $50,000, which was a relief for five homebuyers who had paid for flats advertised by the scam-hit Sahiti Infra. The police and Enforcement Directorate are looking into the firm. Vishwanadham Keshetti, a […]

Five victims of the Sahiti Infra scam in Hyderabad receive assistancemore

Continuous house sales enhance developers’ liquidity and credit standing.

July 25, 2023

Since the Covid-19 pandemic’s onset, the liquidity and credit profiles of important listed real estate developers have significantly improved as a result of the sustained sales momentum in the home property market over the past three fiscal years. Both the collections and realisations of these enterprises have increased as a result of the booming residential […]

Continuous house sales enhance developers’ liquidity and credit standing.more

No buyers, Chintels Paradiso cancels plans to rebuild apartments; most choose repurchase

July 21, 2023

GURUGRAM: The developer of Chintels Paradiso, whose four buildings have been deemed unfit for habitation since a tower collapsed in February 2022, announced on Tuesday that it is rescinding its offer to rebuild or renovate the affected homeowners’ apartments because nobody has opted to do so to date. According to Chintels India, the original offer, […]

No buyers, Chintels Paradiso cancels plans to rebuild apartments; most choose repurchasemore

The Madhya Pradesh RERA is expected to restart stalled projects.

July 17, 2023

BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) would assess the unfinished projects and work with government organizations to complete them. According to the Madhya Pradesh real estate regulating authority, attempts were made to finish any unfinished or protractedly unworked projects. The same goes for projects that have missed deadlines or had their deadlines […]

The Madhya Pradesh RERA is expected to restart stalled projects.more

MahaRERA recovers Rs 9 crore from five developers after nine warrants.

July 14, 2023

MUMBAI: After MahaRERA issued warrants for the amount, which was around Rs 9 crore, which was owed to homebuyers as compensation and refunds from five developers, was retrieved without going through the auction process. In order to recover Rs 8.72 crore, the MahaRERA issued nine warrants throughout the city, suburbs, and district of Pune. The […]

MahaRERA recovers Rs 9 crore from five developers after nine warrants.more