Chandigarh: Your April property tax invoices will arrive in the mail.

Abhay Shah - March 20, 2023

CHANDIGARH: The municipal corporation (MC) and the postal service have partnered to issue property tax invoices to residents starting at the end of March and the first week of April.

If they pay between April 1 and May 31, taxpayers will receive rebates—20% for residential properties and 10% for commercial structures. Defaulters will start paying a 25% tax penalty and an additional 12% interest starting in June.

According to sources, in addition to other places, the postal service will charge Rs 35 for Mohali and Panchkula and Rs 15 for bill delivery within Chandigarh.

The civic council is considering creating a method to address taxpayer complaints, much like last time. “The process for calculating property taxes has been improved.

With the use of technology, each and every property has been located, along with any paid or unpaid debts or other financial concerns noted in the record.

However, the authority is willing to listen to any issues or questions and address any misunderstandings “sources reported.