PMRDA is analyzing almost 16 self-proposed town planning schemes for approval.

The Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority is scrutinizing around 16 self-proposed town planning schemes. Before the proposals were approved, the officials of the Pune Metropolitan Development Authority (PMRDA) would review the proposals. At least 100 acres of land would be covered by each scheme.
A PMRDA source said residents of Wagholi, Chakan, Pirangut and Hinjewadi catered for a proposed town planning scheme in keeping with the Mann-Mhalunge town planning scheme with the land pool of more than 100 acres each.
The PMRDA officials said the government received good responses about self-proposed town planning schemes. The authorities would publish the notification, work on the layout and obtain administrative permits following inspection of the proposals.
The basic concept of the town planning scheme is to pool and redistribute all the land under different ownerships after deducting the land needed for open spaces, social infrastructure, services, housing for people from the economically weaker sections and road network. Under the self-proposed town planning scheme, landowners part with 20% of their land as opposed to 50%, which is the condition of the town planning schemes proposed by the PMRDA.
The PMRDA would carry out some of the basic infrastructure work under self-proposed town planning schemes. The landowners, together with developers, should plan the area.
“The PMRDA is a facilitation of the schemes, but the landowner and the developer would be mainly responsible for presenting a detailed plan. The approach road and the surroundings would be managed by the authority, while the other facilities would fall under the developer as a responsibility,” a PMRDA official said.
The PMRDA has 6 town planning schemes proposed, that will be soon revealed. In Gujarat and Maharashtra, the method used in the town planning schemes is widely used to achieve the Development Plan goals. Town planning schemes for smaller areas of around 100 hectares are developed with micro-level planning.