Noida: A structural audit policy for high-rise buildings will be developed soon.

Abhay Shah - September 30, 2022

Residents’ groups who attended the meeting suggested that, because auditing is costly, a survey be conducted first in all high-rise apartments to identify buildings that require auditing.

NOIDA: On Wednesday, a committee formed to develop guidelines for a structural audit policy for high-rise apartments in Noida met. Residents’ groups who attended the meeting suggested that, because auditing is expensive, a survey of all high-rise apartments be conducted first to identify buildings that require auditing. Following the February collapse of living rooms at Chintels Paradiso in Gurgaon, which killed two residents, a policy was felt to be necessary.

According to the post-survey findings, the buildings should be classified as either older than ten years or younger. It was also suggested at the meeting that builders be held accountable for structural audits and repairs for a minimum of ten years, rather than five. According to officials, the Noida Authority will table the policy draught for discussion at its next board meeting.

According to Rajiva Singh, president of the Noida Federation of Apartment Owners Associations (NOFAA), according to TOI, “First, a structural survey of all societies must be carried out,” which differs from the structural audit in that it determines which societies require a detailed structural audit. The Noida Authority welcomed our suggestion and assured us that it would be included in the policy. ”

“The city desperately needs a structural audit policy,” said Yogendra Sharma, president of the Federation of Noida Residents Welfare Association. Many of the private builders’ and Noida Authority’s buildings and plotted houses are in disrepair and require an audit. According to our recommendation, the audit should be performed every five years for old buildings (10 years or older) and every ten years for new construction.

“A structural audit policy is desperately needed in the city,” said Yogendra Sharma, president of the Federation of Noida Residents Welfare Association. Many of the private builders’ and Noida Authority’s buildings and plotted houses are in disrepair and require an audit. According to our recommendations, the audit should be performed every five years for old buildings (10 years or older) and every ten years for new construction.

“The city urgently needs a structural audit policy,” said Yogendra Sharma, president of the Federation of Noida Residents Welfare Association. Many of the private builders’ and Noida Authority’s buildings and plotted houses are in disrepair and require an audit. According to our recommendations, the audit should be performed every five years for old buildings (10 years or older) and every ten years for new construction.

“The committee will indeed organize rules and submit them to the board for discussion,” said Ritu Maheshwari, CEO of Noida Authority. The policy rules will be sent to the government for approval once approved by the board.