GMDA initiates Geographical Information System to prevent land scams.

In order to accurately map land areas across the district, the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has launched a survey using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology.
The method of land demarcation will be modernised. The decision was made after officers of GMDA were informed of illegal land invasions, which they were not aware of.
Marking of the monuments on every 500 metres will be part of the process. With the GIS-enabled technology, all encroachments and land scams will be determined by the authorities and elected officials.
“This will help us keep an eye on the land of GMDA and eliminates intrusions. It will provide an insight into the ways to conduct an anti-intrusion campaign against invasive individuals. So far, we’ve done it manually, but now the information would be technology based,” said GMDA, CEO, V.S Kundu.
The official said the survey began a few weeks ago and is expected to be finished shortly. Officials from GMDA said land demarcation would help them understand district-wide revenue records.
In addition to the land survey, the process also tends to lead to an online district record of GMDA land. The official said the main objective will be timely action against the invaders and the end of any obstacles that could prevent invaders from freeing land that can only be done with precise land registrations.